GSD REST API Error codes
This is a full list of defined errors in RestAPI WebService. Every error has HTTP status and Internal status as given.
Error | HTTP Status | Internal Status | Description |
App key is missing | 400 | 100 | "appkey" header is missing, check /v1/login |
Session is missing | 400 | 200 | "sessionId" header is missing, can be obtained by /v1/login |
Token is missing | 400 | 202 | "Secure-Token" header is missing, check /v2/login/secure |
Token or session is missing | 400 | 204 | "Secure-Token" or "sessionId" header is missing, check above |
Public key is missing | 400 | 205 | "publicKey" body's property is missing, check /v2/login/secure |
Credentials are missing | 400 | 206 | "credentials" body's property is missing, check /v2/login/secure |
App names are invalid | 400 | 208 | "appNames" body's property value is invalid, check /v1/login |
App names are missing | 400 | 209 | "appNames" body's property is missing |
Duplicated app names | 400 | 210 | "appNames" body's property contains duplicated values |
Body is missing | 400 | 300 | Request body is missing, check HTTP message body |
User and password are missing | 400 | 301 | "user" or "pass" are missing, check /v1/login |
Request is invalid | 400 | 307 | Request is invalid |
Payload is not a valid JSON | 400 | 308 | Payload is not a valid JSON |
Public key is invalid | 400 | 309 | "publicKey" body's property value is invalid, check /v2/login/secure |
Credentials data are invalid | 400 | 310 | "credentials" body's property value is invalid, check /v2/login/secure |
Body is not a valid JSON | 400 | 311 | "body" of the request is not a valid JSON |
Body JSON or symmetric key are invalid | 400 | 312 | "body" of the request is not a valid JSON or "symmetricKey" body's property is invalid |
Old password is missing or is invalid | 400 | 319 | "oldPassword" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v1/changePassword |
New password is missing or is invalid | 400 | 320 | "newPassword" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v1/changePassword |
The old and new password cannot be the same | 400 | 321 | "oldPassword" and "newPassword" cannot be the same |
Encrypted parameter is missing or is invalid | 400 | 322 | "encrypted" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v2/login/secure |
License release failed | 400 | 323 | Releasing license has failed |
Cannot assign DF user to oAuth account | 400 | 324 | Cannot assign DOCUframe user to oAuth account, check oAuth configuration |
User name is missing or is invalid | 400 | 325 | "user" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v1/resetPassword |
Confirmation code is missing or is invalid | 400 | 326 | "confirmationCode" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v1/auth/df/confirmChangePassword |
Reset password token is missing or is invalid | 400 | 328 | "resetPasswordToken" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v1/confirmResetPassword |
Query is not an object | 400 | 329 | Query in request is not an object |
Invalid version of synchronization | 400 | 330 | "syncVersion" body's property value is invalid, check /v1/sync |
Invalid synchronization request | 400 | 332 | Invalid synchronization request, check /v1/sync |
Schema name is invalid | 400 | 333 | Synchronization schema name is invalid, check /v1/sync |
Object UUID does not exist in sync DB | 400 | 334 | Object with given UUID does not exist in the synchronization database, check /v1/sync |
Schema name is missing | 400 | 335 | Synchronization schema name is missing, check /v1/sync |
Object UUID in parameter and body are not equal | 400 | 336 | Object UUID from request parameter is not equal to UUID in request body, check /v1/sync |
Sync version is missing | 400 | 338 | "syncVersion" body's parameter is missing, check /v1/sync |
Wrong password | 400 | 339 | Wrong password while changing the password |
Macro name is invalid | 400 | 400 | Dynamic path macro name is invalid, check dynamic paths |
No file was uploaded | 400 | 500 | No file was uploaded |
Empty file uploaded | 400 | 501 | An empty file has been uploaded |
Unsupported file name | 400 | 502 | Unsupported file name, |
Only single file upload supported | 400 | 503 | Only single file upload at time supported |
UploadId is missing | 400 | 601 | "uploadId" body's property is missing, check /v1/uploadFile |
UploadId pattern is invalid | 400 | 602 | "uploadId" body's property value is invalid, check /v1/uploadFile |
No file was sent | 400 | 604 | No file was sent, check PATCH /v1/uploadFile/{uploadId} |
External user config is invalid | 400 | 608 | External user config is invalid, check external user config |
Unable to update - object has been deleted | 400 | 610 | Unable to update - object has been deleted |
No synchronization registered, check DF config | 400 | 611 | No synchronization registered, check DOCUframe configuration |
OAuth strategy not registered properly | 400 | 698 | OAuth strategy not registered properly, check oAuth configuration |
Unknown client error | 400 | 699 | Unknown client error |
App key is invalid | 401 | 101 | "appkey" header is invalid |
Session is invalid | 401 | 201 | "sessionId" header is invalid, correct "sessionId" can be obtained by /v1/login |
Token is invalid | 401 | 203 | "Secure-Token" header is invalid, check /v2/login/secure |
User and password are invalid | 403 | 302 | "user" and "pass" body's property values are invalid |
License login failed | 403 | 306 | Unable to reserve more licenses, check /v1/license/reserve |
Device or user is banned | 403 | 318 | Device or user is banned, check MDM configuration |
Macro is inaccessible | 403 | 401 | Macro is inaccessible, contact GSD-RestApi module administrator |
Macro is inaccessible - cannot skip checker | 403 | 402 | Macro is inaccessible - no permission to skip execution checker, contact GSD-RestApi module administrator |
App is inaccessible | 403 | 403 | Application is inaccessible, check MDM configuration |
No write access to the object | 403 | 404 | No write access to the object, contact database administrator |
Invalid path | 404 | 304 | Invalid path to store the file or wrong request path |
Invalid method | 405 | 305 | Invalid HTTP method for this path, check available HTTP methods for that path |
UploadId is invalid | 404 | 603 | "uploadId" body's property value is invalid, correct "uploadId" can be obtained by GET /v1/uploadFile |
Content type is missing or is invalid | 406 | 207 | "Content-Type" header is missing or is invalid, include correct "Content-Type", e.g. "application/json" |
Conflict - unable to delete upload cache | 409 | 605 | Unable to delete upload cache, e.g. it's used by something else |
Conflict - UploadId is locked. End current upload | 409 | 606 | uploadId is locked. End current upload and try again |
Object already deleted | 410 | 609 | Object already deleted |
Invalid range | 416 | 600 | Invalid range of uploaded multipart file, check /v1/uploadFile/{uploadId} |
Session load limit reached | 429 | 315 | Active sessions limit has been reached, check webservice configuration |
Symmetric key is missing or is invalid | 500 | 314 | "symmetricKey" body's property is missing or is invalid, check /v2/login/secure |
Server error - Unable to create upload cache | 500 | 700 | Unable to create upload cache, invalid path or no write access |
Server error - Unable to store file | 500 | 702 | Unable to store file, e.g. directory does not exist anymore |
Server error - Unable to logout | 500 | 703 | Unable to logout |
Server error - Unable to connect to RAS server | 500 | 704 | Unable to connect to RAS server, it's either offline or the address is invalid |
Missing database configuration | 500 | 705 | Missing database configuration, check webservice configuration |
File you wish to download is unavailable | 500 | 707 | File you wish to download is unavailable, e.g. directory does not exist anymore |
Error while encrypting file | 500 | 708 | Error while encrypting file |
Upload directory not found - store file failed | 500 | 709 | Unable to store file. Upload directory not found |
Server error - Unable to execute macro | 500 | 710 | Unable to execute macro, e.g. macro does not exist |
Unable to send UpdateLicense stats message | 500 | 711 | Unable to send UpdateLicense stats message |
Unable to send reset password email | 500 | 712 | Unable to send reset password email, e.g. wrong email address |
Unable to update object in DF | 500 | 713 | Unable to update object in DOCUframe, e.g. object was locked |
Unable to update object in postgres | 500 | 714 | Unable to update object in Postgres |
Unable to query sync changes | 500 | 716 | Unable to query synchronization changes, synchronization does not exist |
Synchronization service is disabled | 500 | 717 | Synchronization service is disabled, check webservice configuration |
Unable to delete object in DOCUframe | 500 | 718 | Unable to delete object in DOCUframe |
Unable to delete object in postgres | 500 | 719 | Unable to delete object in Postgres |
Unable to insert object to postgres deleted elems. | 500 | 720 | Unable to insert object to postgres database with deleted elements |
Unable to query sync schemas | 500 | 721 | Unable to query synchronization schemas |
Unknown server error | 500 | 799 | Unknown server error |
Connection cannot be acquired, pool is overloaded | 503 | 607 | Connection cannot be acquired, session pool is overloaded |
The server is currently unavailable | 503 | 706 | The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for maintenance) |