Error intern

This is a full list of defined errors of type "Error intern" and expected type for specific error. Every error has HTTP status and Internal status as given.

Error - Error intern HTTP Status Internal Status Macro name
Object deletion has failed 500 1600 xRestApi_Error_Error_Delete
Query error 500 1601 xRestApi_Error_Error_QueryMacroError
Storing file on path has failed 500 1602 xRestApi_Error_Error_StoreFileOnPath
Serialization error 500 1603 xRestApi_Error_Error_SerializationMacroError
Unsupported type in field 500 1604 xRestApi_Error_Error_UnsupportedFieldType
Store error 500 1605 xRestApi_Error_Error_Store
Unable to add value to a set 500 1606 xRestApi_Error_Error_AddToSet
Unable to assign value to a set 500 1607 xRestApi_Error_Error_AssignValue
Unable to send message 500 1608 xRestApi_Error_Error_SendMessage
Unable to create container object 500 1609 xRestApi_Error_Error_GetContainer
Unable to send object 500 1610 xRestApi_Error_Error_SendObject
Unable to get temp path 500 1611 xRestApi_Error_Error_GetTmpPath
Import error 500 1612 xRestApi_Error_Error_ImportError
Unable to assign document 500 1613 xRestApi_Error_Error_DocAssign
Unable to get user's incoming folder 500 1614 xRestApi_Error_Error_GetUserIncomingFolder
Unable to get user object 500 1615 xRestApi_Error_Error_GetUser
Creation of parent template for template has failed 500 1616 xRestApi_Error_Error_CreatingParentTemplate
Creation of sub template for template has failed 500 1617 xRestApi_Error_Error_CreatingSubTemplate
Creation of template has failed 500 1618 xRestApi_Error_Error_CreatingTemplate
No object found for template 500 1619 xRestApi_Error_Error_NoObjectForTemplate
No sub template found in template 500 1620 xRestApi_Error_Error_NoSubTemplate
No JSON for the template 500 1621 xRestApi_Error_Error_NoTemplateJSON
Template Query error: no method 'xRestApi_GetResultSet' for class 500 1622 xRestApi_Error_Error_NoGetResultSetForClass
Template Query error: no method 'xRestApi_ExecuteTemplate' for class 500 1623 xRestApi_Error_Error_NoExecuteTemplateForClass
Template Query error: no method 'xRestApi_GetData' for class 500 1624 xRestApi_Error_Error_NoGetDataForClass
No subtemplate for template element 500 1625 xRestApi_Error_Error_TemplateElementNoSubtemplate
Member origin missing 500 1626 xRestApi_Error_Error_MemberOriginMissing
Query didn't find any object 500 1627 xRestApi_Error_Error_QueryNoResultFound
Unexpected error 500 1628 xRestApi_Error_Error
No external user found 404 1629 xRestApi_Error_NoExternalUserFound
License import error 500 1630 xRestApi_Error_Error_LicenseUpdate
Can not send reset password email 500 1631 xRestApi_Error_CanNotSendResetPasswordEmail
Path serialization error - DF error 500 1632 xRestApi_Error_Error_PathSerializationError
The user does not exist 400 1633 xRestApi_Error_Error_NotExistingUser
No email address for external user or no assigned DF user 404 1634 xRestApi_Error_InvalidExternalUserConfiguration
Serialization macro error but no error info 400 1635 xRestApi_Error_Error_SerializationMacroError
Unable to create subfolder 500 1636 xRestApi_Error_Error_CreateFolder
Unable to delete subfolder 500 1637 xRestApi_Error_Error_DeleteFolder
Unable to send Email 500 1638 xRestApi_Error_Error_SendEmail
Unable to get license file for given license 500 1639 xRestApi_Error_Error_GetLicenseFile