WebAPI connector description


Our SDK implementation supports connection to the DOCUframe via node.js WebService. This service is directly prepared to give a possibility to fetch data from remote database. Connector gives a possibility to:

  • fetch objects
  • fetch object lists (with or without filtering)
  • execute interface macro
  • create objects
  • modifying objects
  • modifying object lists

To be able to connect to the WebApi you need to use DOCUframe user name and web password. It gives a possibility to execute requests in context of selected users.

Whole communication between SDK connector and WebApi base on JSON format, but with our connection you do not need to worry about it. As an developer it is only necessary to set up connection correctly and retrieve what kind of class should be returned to the application. After executing the request we asynchronously execute the request and return result on proper callback. To be able to put data int specified class you need to prepare data in the way that describes JSON. If you wan to change way of demoralisation there is a possibility to implement it in your own way.